हिन्दी : लौकी
ગુજરાતી : દૂધી
मराठी : दूधी भोपळा
सकल - संपूर्ण (COMPLETE)
शकल - खण्ड (SECTION)
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A formulation based upon aloe vera, tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil and other essential oils.
Apply this on your scalp and hair.
Rub your scalp with your fingernails and let it dry for few minutes & then wash.
You have to use this lotion every alternate day
If you are using our HERBAL SHAMPOO, then you have to use it 4 times only.
In other case. you have to use 8 times.
Because our shampoo also removes dandruff.
It prevents and removes dandruff
It is non-toxic