हिन्दी : लौकी
ગુજરાતી : દૂધી
मराठी : दूधी भोपळा
सकल - संपूर्ण (COMPLETE)
शकल - खण्ड (SECTION)
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A formulation based upon tea tree oil, neem oil and other oils for psoriasis, eczema and other fungal diseases of skin.
Apply this on the infected area of your skin.
Keep it for 12 hours & then wash.
Apply this lotion again after washing.
Don’t use chemical-based soap on the infected area.
Use only water or our HERBAL SOAP. You can also use any other natural soap.
It protects and cures all fungal diseases of the skin
It cures old psoriasis and eczema also but for these problems, you have to use our special product for eczema and psoriasis.
It can also cure an infected groin.