हिन्दी : लौकी
ગુજરાતી : દૂધી
मराठी : दूधी भोपळा
सकल - संपूर्ण (COMPLETE)
शकल - खण्ड (SECTION)
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GAUPAAN is a formulation that is tonic cum medicine for cow based upon herbal extract and cow ghee itself.
70-80 mL per day with feed or drinking water.
Cows become healthier
Milk yield, fat and SNF increases.
Rate of conception increases and cow conceives easily.
Problems of placenta and mastitis become a matter of past.
Diseases related to mouth and feet are protected and cured.
THe skin of the cattle becomes shiny with more hair.
Improves metabolism of cows and cures constipation through this .