हिन्दी : लौकी
ગુજરાતી : દૂધી
मराठी : दूधी भोपळा
सकल - संपूर्ण (COMPLETE)
शकल - खण्ड (SECTION)
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A non-toxic herbal soap with all natural ingredients.
Dampen your body parts with water where you want to use this soap.
Apply this soap gently and then wash it.
Natural skin oil is protected as no caustic soda is used
All-natural ingredients of this soap nourish your skin.
Camphor gives fragrance at the same time it protects and cures the skin from fungal diseases .
It is for all skin types.
It protects from skin cancer which is very common in case of chemical-based soaps.
It protects from fungal diseases.