हिन्दी : लौकी
ગુજરાતી : દૂધી
मराठी : दूधी भोपळा
सकल - संपूर्ण (COMPLETE)
शकल - खण्ड (SECTION)
SWARNAPRAASHAN is a a tonic for humans based upon herbal and fruit extracts.
Take 30mL of this and drink before an hour of each meal.
Drink 1 or 2 glasses of water after drinking it..
It is palatable with flavor
It cures constipation, and increases appetite and indirectly cures piles.
It purifies the blood and improves blood circulation this brings down the cholesterol by opening the clogged arteries .
It detoxifies your body by eliminating all toxins.
It enhances immunity and prevents diseases.
It elevates the mood and leads to a sound sleep so even old people become brisk and active.
It retards the aging process and enhances longevity.
It cures cough, fever and pulmonary tuberculosis (TB).
It prevents diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy.
It increases sexual vigor in diabetic males and females.
It increases the efficiency of cardiac muscular contractions, so prevents heart failure.
It prevents stroke and paralysis.
It reduces Parkinson’s disease.
Along with Anti-TB drugs, it cures pulmonary tuberculosis much earlier and eliminates the side effects of Anti-TB drugs.
It suppresses acid secretion in the stomach and cures peptic ulcers.
It balances the hormone secretions and cures hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
It ensures a regular menstrual cycle and enhances the conception rate in infertile women.
In the early stages of cancer, it gives good results, but in advance stages, it reduces the pain and increases the lifespan .
It reduces the side effects of chemotherapy like vomiting, leucopenia and anemia .
It prevents and regenerates the damaged cartilages in the joints thus prevents pain and further damage in the joints.
It removes morning stiffness in the joints, and cures back pain and neck pain.
It builds immunity against all viral diseases like flu, dengue fever, chikungunya, swine flu (H1N1 virus), avian flu and the common cold.